
What is happening

We are closing Unity Nest

We are closing Unity Nest

It’s with a bittersweet feeling that we announce the closing of Unity Nest on March 30th, 2024. From the very first day, our goal was to create a space that not only supported work and creativity but also built a community of NGOs, volunteers, and IT professionals who could thrive together.

We’ve shared countless memories and collaborated on numerous projects.

As we say goodbye, we want to express our deepest gratitude to everyone who walked through our doors. A special thanks to our partners and donors, Lifting Hands International and SmartAid, without whom this journey wouldn’t have been possible.

Although Unity Nest is closing, the connections, projects, and impacts we’ve made will continue to thrive. We hope to cross paths again in the future, building new spaces and creating more meaningful impacts together.

Thank you for everything, and remember, every end is just a new beginning.